Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, it begins again. The loss of appetite, the constant worrying, the fear of it all. It's not the college students coming back to Boston. It's the fact that I might wind up in the hordes of the newly homeless. 7 days ago, I received an eviction notice due to a promo job that was reported as being income. This has happened before and caused an agreement that I had to become null and void. Or so says the lovely people that run this apartment complex.

I am more angry than anything. I have managed to get together the funds to pay it off, but I am worried that I might still be out on my ear. The process is long (thank god) to get to that point and I will have found another place to stay. In all honesty, I am glad this happened. This neighborhood is volatile and toxic. One of the many vestiges that need to be shed in order to start a new.

The sore spot is that my family has been in this neighborhood since the end of slavery and I feel it's an end to an era. I can only hope that my mother is looking down and saying it's o.k. to let go of this place. Life is bigger than this block, and I am remaining steadfast that I will now be able to being again and start off with a clean slate.

A final note, for any of my other folks that are living in HUD housing....get out while you can. Anyway how, just do it.

Off to spin away the problems of the day..

Talk soon,
Buck Foston (Jason)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good luck!!! Change is good. Maybe you'll consider coming down to NYC for a bit!