Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Black Church vs. Homosexuality: Why?

My name is Jason Fair and I am a preacher's kid. Newly. After years of backsliding and living his life on the edge, my father decided later on in life to become a pastor. He had a history of outreach work behind him and also wanted to get right with God later in life. Or it could have just been the tax break you get when you are a religious institution...but I digress.

One of the many cold Sunday mornings I would venture out with my younger brother in tow to attend Sunday Services @ Morning Star Baptist (strictly for the 20 he would give us for going), the congregation was in full swing. Praising the word of God and singing to the rafters, it was a great feeling of positivity in the room. I felt at home. Then the reverend acceded to the pulpit and began his sermon. Timely and with the backing of the choir and band, I was awestruck.

But, as the sermon came to a close and we began the closing prayer, things veered of course. I was a 16 year old closeted queer man and had enough insecurities and self esteem issues to deal with. Being the fat gay black gay kid with tits was hard enough and what the reverend said next made it a little tougher...

"Please save our youth from the demons of drug use...street violence...premarital sex....and HOMOSEXUALITY"

WHAT????? Nigga, are you serious?

I was taken aback. But I soon found out that there were a LARGE number of closeted men in the Black Church. You need to look no further than the CHOIR DIRECTOR to see a flamboyant gay man leading us all in praise.

Then, fast forward over 10 years later, I turn on my Google Reader to check the latest on what Colby Keller is up to, and I come across this story about Bishop Eddie Long and the 3 (now 4) young men who have accused improprieties against him. They allegedly claim they were his "Spiritual Sons" and would use biblical stories to coerce them into sexual acts. "Releasing his passion" as it stated on QueerClick. Then YBF, Bossip, & Concrete Loop all had reported on it previously and it spread like wildfire. A man of the cloth who had stolen money or were involved in a sex scandal is not uncommon. This was such a (pardon the pun) fart in the church moment because of his anti gay stance on well.... everything.

I think of the line from one of my favorite drag comedian/performer Ms. Coco Peru (Trick, To Wong Foo,..) once said in her stand up act. "Men that make fun of other men who suck dick...SUCK DICK!"

Hypocrisy is as old as sin and the thing that matters most in this affair is the truth. Where these really acts that took place? Did the Bishop exploit men who came to him for spiritual guidance or mentorship? The truth has yet to be told on the matter. My opinion is straight man who posts pics of himself on is looking to offer anyone council. They are trying to get some ass. :)

What do you think? Leave you comments below...
Toodles for now
- Sun One

Friday, July 9, 2010

Well well...

The streamers are away, the booty shorts are back in moth balls, and the pride flag has been folded and put away. Pride is over, but there is still one matter that I need to handle from the weekend of insanity. You might have seen in my last post that I did an event on the Saturday of Boston Pride. Well, normally I wouldn't put anyone on BLAST, but after being dicked around for the past month and trying to chase down someone for payment...I decided to let it go and just delete said person from my facebook. My life is stressful enough without having to deal with someone who is lacking in moral fiber, lies consistently, and is someone i have grown to know to be someone i wouldn't spit on if they were on fire.

this pretty much sums up how i feel.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Gay Pride 2010

Some of my colorful coworkers :)

As this Boston Pride comes to a close, I decided to give my brief synopsis of my experience. It started with my new night Vice @ Machine Nightclub. That was the calmest night. On the following Friday, I was working security door detail at Ramrod and it was...colorful. After a long night of telling people to leave their drinks inside (we need a sign), I jetted home to sleep to be up for a gig for Guerilla Queer Bar at 11am. Upon getting there, there was an audio problem that prevented me from playing. The only thing that was left to do was to watch the parade pass by and then try to enjoy a little bit of the festivities.

Another night of working (behind the bar this time) and the 30 plus hours of work in 48 hours led me to collapse in bed and not wake up 9pm. I had a goal of making enough to take care of a pressing matter. Let's just say, it's not pressing as much, but still feeling the squeeze.

So that brings us to now...just updated my photo on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, and every other social networking network to this....

I am the chief promoter and talent for this evening. Nerve racking, but lots of fun as well. Alright, I am going to go back to looking for another job. My days at Aramark are coming to an end....As soon as I get an interview, I will get it and bid the lovely people of Aramark a fond fairwell. Oh and if you aren't doing anything tonight...I am having a bday thing at Dirty Sexy Mondays tonight. Come by if you have a liver left after this weekend.

Went to Clubbies during the festivities...Can't believe I used to work there.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Me on Podomatic and New Website/Myspace

Almost are some of the things I am working on.



Let's Get It Poppington!!

....god, I am in love with Nicki Minaj!

Any who, there are some interesting things going on, namely more people coming out to Edge Fridays for yours truly (which i am truly grateful for). I have also started a new LESBIAN night at Club Choices in Somerville. Not the typical ladies' night, but we are going to have some exciting things going on, so stay tuned and bring yourselves out!

Back to the grind, children!
See you in the funny papers!