Monday, December 29, 2008

As the year comes to a close...

Hey y'all,
As we draw closer to the end of 2008, I have been taking inventory in what the year has brought and what is looming on the horizon. Things have been topsy-turvy in the past year and some major growth has taken place for me on a personal and spiritual level.

Reuniting with loved ones and reaffirming my faith in most of what humanity has to offer is positive have been my personal missions for the year. What has also been on the agenda as of late is not allowing those who would bring unneeded strife and bullshit to affect my life and lives of those I love.

So the motto for 2009 is...If you are blocking my progress, prepared to get rolled over and left behind.

A very special thank you to all of those who came to the last 2 events I had at Machine here in Boston. Small steps lead to big journeys.

One love, y'all. See you in 2009.

-Sun One aka Buck Foston

Friday, December 19, 2008

I guess y'all had a good time...

cause a bitch is back on the 27th!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Trials

After an long break from spinning for the people, I am back at it tonight and I am more nervous than the first gig I played oh so many years ago. For starters, the macbook I have been using DIED on me the other day. After bringing it into the apple store, I was told the logic board needed to be replaced and that it wouldn't be ready in time for the party. A few quick phone calls and I was able to get things together so that I can in fact play tonight...Thank God.

I hope to see y'all out tonight because I am busting my ass to make this joint pop off!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


So To Catch Ya'll up since Obama won...

My elation at Barack Obama winning was enough to get me to bite the bullet and join the daytime working world again, this time through a temp agency. I went in, did their tests, filled out the forms...yada yada yada. I was told upon meeting the lovely young lady in HR that there's very little work that comes in (love the recession), but it's a good idea to check in once a week just to see. So I said, FUCK THAT SHIT, and went on a trip to NYC with my baby. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse, when his father fell ill and he had to drive back to the Bean after an hour of being in NYC. He left and I stayed. Bad choice..but that is a whole other story.

I spent time with my friends there and had a good time. I checked in with my friend Heath (who was kind enough to put me up while i was there), hung out with Blake (who put up with me when i was there..i was a mess), met my friend Jason's parents and sister (They are a HOOT), and bumped into a few familiar faces. I leave the city and head back here on Weds. just missing the protest on the Mormons (shit!) and settle back into semi-unemployment. When on Thursday, the phone rings and it's the temp agency with an assignment for today (11/14/08) @ 8:30 A.M. Ggggrreeaaaat. I would love to bitch, but a bitch needs a job!

I arrive at the designated meeting point and met a very affable young woman and the rest of the work force and we are off to move materials from one storage unit in Lynn to a warehouse in Cambridge. Everything goes well. We make good time and load the truck with all kinds of shit and get to the storage space in Cambridge near M.I.T. off of Mass. Ave. As we get out of the truck and begin to start off-loading, a man of diminutive status who looked like he had one too many Buds for lunch starts screaming at us. Apparently, we are not allowed to back the truck up into the warehouse and need to use dollies. Unfortunately, he was rude, curt, and a general prick about it and yelled at my boss for the day.

Now the rub is, my boss for the day was a young lady named Karen who from first sight, I knew we had more in common than just working together. Yes, she's a lesbian and for anyone who knows the Sisters of Sapphos, you do not yell at them...esp. if you are a straight man. So he walks up to the truck and continues to yell at her. Not a good move. (tick) He retreats into the warehouse to get us dollies. She parks the truck where instructed, and without a beat...walks over to me and "Where did he go?" She finds him coming out with a dolly and lays into him. She told him where to go, what to do, and how long to do it for. Me and my coworkers for the day were in shock. She then gets in his face...and says "DO SOMETHING! That's what I thought, you punk. Learn how to talk to people!"

That made my day and got me energized to continue working with a smile on my face. I looked over to her shortly after this happened and we both started laughing and for one second...I loved my fucking job.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


U.S. President-elect Senator Barack Obama (L) waves to supporters following his speech during his election night rally, after being declared the winner of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign in Chicago, Nov. 4, 2008. (REUTERS/Jim Young)

Last night was something that one can only hope to see in their lifetime. I am at a loss for words.

Monday, October 27, 2008

No Words..

For those of you that don't know, Singer & Academy Award winning Actress Jennifer Hudson's mother (Darnell Hudson Donerson) and brother (Jason Hudson) were shot and killed the past Friday morning. The estranged husband of Jennifer's sister, Julia, is believed to be the chief suspect. It also to be noted that Julian, the child of Julia and stepson of William Balfour, was been reported missing and his whereabouts are currently unknown to Chicago Police.

Earlier today, an abandoned vehicle matching the description of Jason Hudson's was found and the body of a 7yr. old child was discovered and brought in for identification.

Now here's the thing. I don't tell a lot of people about this, but my family was in a similar situation. My sister was in an abusive relationship and luckily she was able to get out of it. This is my worst fear come to life and I can't begin to express my condolences and prayers to the Hudson family at this time.

I am hoping and praying that the body that was discovered was not of her nephew, Julian, but my spirit feels something different. I would ask you to go to Jennifer's MySpace ( and leave her warm wishes that Julian will return home safe and sound.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the body found was of 7 yr old, Julian. SMH...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank God For Kanye West!

Earlier today, Kanye West leaked an unmastered version of his new single, Heartless.
IMO, this is some of the best work from him. Doubt it, check it out here and leave your thoughts.

Click here to hear Heartless.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I was feeling a bit nostalgic

and caught myself listening to this joint...props if you know who produced this with Dre.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Almost forgot this...COP THIS!

For those of you that give 2 shits;)

I have bid a fond farewell to Red Sox Nation and have joined the ranks of M&S (McCormick & Schmidt's). I do have to say that my first day was o.k. It was a lot of work, but the people I work with seem cool (for the most part). There is a sense of pride that you get from hard labor and this is pushing me towards maybe becoming a chef...

There is one thing...I forgot to punch out, so I am hopefully still making money.

Well I am off to pick up my 2nd to last paycheck from Aramark...Have a good day and here's something to keep you occupied until I post again.

New Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Click here to listen to it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Eben Gregory (GREASE!)

I came across this brother's work on Youtube about a year ago and have been addicted ever since. Very poignant and always funny. Here's his latest video on Yung "I Don't Do Dark Butts" Berg. This ni--a is a fool for this.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Anyone that knows me knows how much I love food and I just discovered (God, I sound like Christopher Columbus!!) that Sunny Anderson(formerly a DJ on HOT 97 in NYC) has turned her career around and is on the Food Network with 2 shows Cooking for Real and How'd That Get On My Plate? Kudos to her. She can really burn in the kitchen and her recipe for New Orleans inspired Shrimp Pot Pie is insane! Yes, PRAISE HIM!!

For more info on her, check out her blog here

Gay Clubs, Brave Bulls, and P.W.T. (AH, the good life!)

Sunja's Log: Star Date 082608.
Location: Boston, MA (The Pink Nebula)

After spending most of my day in bed with the one I love, I decided to give a good friend of mine a call and see if he wanted to go out. He said yes and that he would be on his way to my place in a half hour or so. I finished up watching the extras from Knocked Up (Jonah Hill is a madman) and got dressed. I run outside onto Tremont Street and dip into the check cashers to pop a tiny pay check. I catch a bit of Michelle Obama speaking at the DNC as I am waiting for my transaction to be complete. "Wow, she is a better speaker than Barack is!", I say to myself. I meet with my co-pilot and we are off.

Now the place to be on Monday here if you are queer (former rapper) is Machine for Dirty Sexy Mondays (shameless plug). It's really a fun time and besides I had to pick up an existing balance from a flyer design. So after the hellos and double kisses, I talk with a good friend of mine who informed me that our mutual friend (name withheld) had skipped town on his roomies owing them a considerable amount of money. Oh, and I forgot to mention, they have a newborn baby! Yeah...It gets better. He also owed his ex a chunk-a-change and to top things off, the friend who skipped town... just tested positive for the HIV virus. Lord knows what I would do if that happened to me, but DAMN!!

Any who, the night and the drinks ensue. Vodka tonics (my personal favorite), Brave Bull Shots (Patron and Kahlua), and a little dancing and I got to cruise control. Now our dynamic duo was thrown off by one of my friend's coworkers who had the personality of a wet food stamp and kind of looked like Robin Williams circa 1977. He was a joy to be around. So after saying farewell to Young Patch Adams and the bar patrons, the inevitable hunger bug hit and there we were at the Golden Arches in Newmarket Square. After waiting in line for a bit (30 min.), we were getting a little agitated.

There begins the P.W.T. part to this story. You see, my partner in crime, has the tendency to say what is on his any time. This proved to be a bad idea. As I said, sitting in the car in line to get our food. A young lady (and I use that term loosely) and her equally knuckle dragging friend were trying to pull out of the line and leave. My friend told her to fuck off and then he dropped the word that women the world over would cut a man's dick off for. Was he right to say it..No. Was she right to jump out of the car and slap him through his driver's side window...Maybe. But then was she right to get in my face after I am trying to break up the situation...FUCK NO!

So I found my inner Ike, called her a fat BITCH so hard Too Short would have been stood up and given me a standing ovation, then asked the young ladies behind us if they wouldn't mind backing up so we can let these fat white trash bitches out of the line. We got our food and made it back to the house. After inhaling our food, we passed out. My friend got up, got ready for work, and left early this morning. I rolled over and decided that this story was way too good to just let slip through the cracks. So here it is, an average night before, during, and after the gay bar!

Me and My Crazy World!

Monday, August 25, 2008

This song fits...

Have you ever heard a song that immediately hit you? Not something that happens too often for me as I listen to music usually from a analytical view, but Brandy's new song "Right Here (Departed)" knocked me square on my ass.. Check it out here and let me know what you think of it?

The First One..

Here we go.

For those of you who don't know me, I go by Sun One, Sunja, but my legal name is Jason. I am a 31 yr. old DJ/Graphic Designer and fill time hustler (legally). When not enduring the wanton glances of depraved refugees from the Fens or selling chicken cheese steaks to bloated suburban windbags, you can find me here sharing stories and hopefully connecting with you.

As I have been playing in nightclubs and various venues since 2000, I have seen my fair share of ups and downs attributed to the nightlife. Last night (08/24/08) was not one of them. I had the honor of providing the opening & transition music for a benefit show for a close friend of mine. You can read more about it here. It was a great time for a great cause and my thoughts and prayers are with Sean and his family.

Being that I am a newbie at blogging, this will be a working experiment. Music, movies, sex, love, advice, etc. So that wasn't so bad...I think I might just write another just for shit and giggles:)